Asian Tempest - Asiatic (hardneck) from BERNIER FARMS in Healdsburg, CA - Grown without the use of chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers by a local grower. Large cloves with purple wrappers. Early to harvest with a long storage. Fiery Hot! when eaten raw. Flavor strong even when cooked. Very productive and extremely reliable.
Where winters are milder (like our area) garlic is planted from October through January.
Garlic will make the largest bulbs in fertile soil with lots of organic matter, so amend your soil as nessesary.
Break the bulbs into individual cloves and plant 4-6" apart in rows that are 12" apart. Aprox 1" deep, root side down.
Fertilize in spring with a little chicken manure and a slow release organic fertilizer like cottonseed meal or Cal Organic 7-5-7.
Harvest is based on the type of garlic. Once the tops start to die down usually June-July.