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Cover Crop Seeds


Cover Crop

is an important step in creating healthy soil because:

  • it naturally increases the organic matter in the soil
  • it adds beneficial microbes to the soil when it is turned-under
  • it adds a healthy food source for the microbes established in the soil
  • it naturally adds nitrogen to the soil
  • it improves the stability of the soil during winter rains (minimizes erosion)
  • it improves the moisture holding capacity in the soil

We offer a diverse selection of peas, vetch, beans, oats, ryes, clovers, and grasses.  If you can't find what you are looking for, give us a call and we will try to resource it for you.

No GMO for us:
None of our cover crop seed is GMO.  Harmony Farm Supply is dedicated to Organic Farming, Agriculture, and Gardening.  We will carry certified organic seed if they are available.