Deerproof Flower Border Mix. While we hate to label anything “deerproof” this mix has withstood extensive testing and are not preferred for browsing by deer. A truly colorful and attractive garden mix containing both annual and perennial seeds. Contains the following:Yarrow, Alyssum, Plains coreopsis, California Poppy, Red Poppy, Blanket flower, Arroyo Lupine, Lupine bicolor,Yellow lupine, Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan, Lance leaf coreopsis, Bachelor Buttons, Forget-me -not, Shasta Daisy, Fire wheel, Candytuft. Approx. 160,000 seeds per pound. Use 6 lb./acre. 1/4 lb. seeds 1800 sq. ft. Fall is the time to plant these annual and perennial native and introduced wildflowers.
For best results, remove weeds, then loosen top 1” of soil, level with a garden rake and scatter seeds evenly over the area. Mulch evenly with a fine layer of peat moss or compost 1/8” deep and water with a fine spray. After seedlings appear (which may take 2-6 weeks), water only as necessary. Once established, these wildflowers will bloom year after year, providing color and beauty, as long as you let them go to seed in the spring when they are done flowering.