Mixture of Muscidifurax zaraptor and M. raptorellus. These tiny parasitic wasps attack the pupae of filth breeding flies including house files, (Musca domestica), blow flies or blue-bottles (Calliphorid sp.or Phaenicia sp.), little house fly (Fannia canncularis), stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans), false stable flies (Muscina stabulans), and black garbage flies (Ophrya sp.). Use 10 parasites /sq. ft. of breeding area OR 1000 per large animal (house, cow), 500-725 per small to medium animal (goats, sheep), 10 per head poultry. Begin as soon as adult flies appear. Continue every 2 weeks through 1st frost. If not begun early, 2x or 3x releases should be made for first 2 releases. To make headway on controlling flies, parasite release should be combined with manure management (to dry out the manure ASAP and minimize egg laying) and adult trapping. Sent as parasitized pupae. DO NOT HOLD OR REFRIGERATE!! Contact us for more information, if desired. Product= 15,000 pupae. Ground shipping included.