Size: (4 lb bag)
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GreenGro Tomato, Veggie & Herb
The Tomato, Veggie & Herb blend is uniquely crafted with the finest all natural and organic ingredients. We supercharge our fertilizer blends with biochar, humic acid, mycorrhizal fungi, and beneficial bacteria. These key ingredients promote a full strength and regenerative living soil. Take pride in what you grow, with GreenGro Biologicals
Total Nitrogen (N) ........................................ 5%
5.0% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) ........................... 4%
Soluble Potash (K2O) .................................... 3%
Calcium (C) ................................................. 8%
Sulfur (S)..................................................... 2%
Feather Meal, Fish Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Volcanic Ash, Blood Meal, Fish bone Meal, Bone Meal, Sulfate of Potash, Langbeinte, Kelp Meal
ALSO CONTAINS NON-PLANT FOOD INGREDIENTS: 2% Humic Acids (Derived from Leonardite)
1% Wood Biochar