Rose du Lautrec Garlic - Hardneck Creole - from Bernier Farms, Healdsburg ca. Grown without the use of chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers. A French Creole variety with complex flavor that adds depth to dishes where only a small amount of garlic is required. It is pungent and sweet, and is commonly used in France in the Soup-a-l-ail-Rose du lautrec. .
Garlic will make the largest bulbs in fertile soil with lots of organic matter, so amend your soil as necessary.
Break the bulbs into individual cloves and plant 4-6" apart in rows that are 12" apart. Aprox 1" deep, root side down.
Fertilize in spring with a little chicken manure and a slow release organic fertilizer like cottonseed meal or Cal Organics 7-5-7.
Harvest is based on the type of garlic. Once the tops start to die down usually June-July.